Shoreline Protection
Shoreline protection is the engineering effort designed to lessen or eliminate coastal erosion.
Seaway Marine Group offers various forms of shoreline protection on the St. Lawrence River, Lake Ontario, and throughout upstate New York. We work with our customers to provide the best form of shoreline protection tailored to their needs and the location of their property.
We also provide permitting services as necessary to complete the project.
Rip Rap
Rip rap seawalls/shorelines consist of varying sized rock arranged along the shoreline to give it a more natural look than say sheet pile or concrete. The rocks and stone act as a barrier helping to prevent erosion from the water.
Because irregular shaped rip rap absorbs waves coming in towards your property, it is able to dissipate most of the wave energy rather than reflect it and this helps protect the shoreline from erosion.
Rip Rap - Protected Site
Smaller sized rip rap stone can be used in sheltered locations that are not subject to significant wave action.
Rip Rap - Bank Stabilization
Larger sized rip rap stone can be used to stabilize banks and should be used in more exposed locations that are subject to wave action.
Rip Rap - Stacked Stone Cap
Rip rap stone can be used in conjunction with other shoreline protection methods where necessary.
Stacked Stone / Armor Stone
Natural stone blocks can be stacked vertically or stepped back to create a stacked stone seawall which provides shoreline protection in more protected waters.
Where appropriate, the natural stone seawalls can elevate the appearance of your shoreline while still providing necessary protection.

Sheet Pile Seawall / Bulkhead
Sheet pile walls are retaining walls constructed to retain earth, water or any other filling materials. These walls are thinner in section compared to masonry walls. Sheet pile walls are generally used for water front structures or river bank protection. Especially in a freshwater environment, sheet pile seawalls have an extremely long lifespan.